by jariforstadius | Jan 12, 2017 | Review, Travel
Hi fellows, I got to test the Through The Woods Lightroom presets and brushes for landscape photography from Sleeklens. Nowadays almost every photo published by professionals are post-processed and edited with the computer, like I stated in one of my earlier...
by jariforstadius | Jul 30, 2016 | Events, Featured, Travel, Tutorial
Read my newest blog post at Sleeklens about my visit to Medieval Tournament organized by Rohan Stables. I am sharing my experience as well as some tips for event photography.
by jariforstadius | Oct 17, 2015 | Travel, Uncategorized
Saturday morning and flu taking over, but nevertheless I woke up early and went outdoors despite the temperature being under zero degrees. The whole week forest and fields have been covered almost magic looking mist in the mornings when I have driven to work. I had a...
by jariforstadius | Aug 23, 2015 | Events, Travel
I made a longish detour during my summer trip to have a chance to capture some Finnish madness with my camera. In the land of thousand crazy summer sports, one well known event is the annual world championships of swamp soccer at Hyrynsalmi. I was well prepared to...
by jariforstadius | Jun 4, 2015 | Portraits, Travel, Tutorial, Uncategorized
The jury nominating Sami Rievinen as the best portrait photographer of 2014 in Finland said that professionals do not take photos, they create those. This can be seen from the best studio portaits. On the other hand there is another trend of photography evolving...
by jariforstadius | Jan 8, 2015 | Travel
During the Christmas period I visited my old home town Oulu. Here are some photos from one freezing photowalk during the last days of the year. It was -20 Celsius and I did not have proper clothing with me so these are quick photos without any tripods or such. It...